Wonderful Stories, and Traditions, and More about NEW YEARS EVENTS, TRADITIONS, STORIES, FOODS, and a host of other related information....

Fun Stories, and Traditions, and More about GROUNDHOG DAY EVENTS, TRADITIONS, STORIES, FOODS, and a host of other related information....

Fun Stories, and Traditions, and More about Lincoln's Birthday EVENTS, TRADITIONS, STORIES, FOODS, and a host of other related information....

VALENTINES DAY Stories, Origins, Traditions, Cultural Celebrations, Foods, and a host of other related information....February 14th

WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY Stories, Origins, Traditions, Cultural Celebrations, Foods, and a host of other related information....February 22nd

ST PATRICKS DAY Stories, Origins, Traditions, Cultural Celebrations, Foods, and a host of other related information....March 17th

VIETNAM VETERANS DAY Stories, Origins, Traditions...See how ugly America treated us when we came home ....

APRIL FOOLS DAY Stories, Origins, Traditions, Cultural Celebrations, Foods, and a host of other related information....

PATRIOT'S DAY Stories, Origins, Traditions, Cultural Celebrations, Foods, and a host of other related information....

15th through the 22nd of the Hebrew month of Nissan
JEWISH PASSOVER Stories, Origins, Traditions, Cultural Celebrations, Foods, and a host of other related information....

any Sunday between March 22 and April 25
Explore EASTER Stories, Origins, Traditions, Cultural Celebrations, Foods, and a host of other related information....

Explore MOTHERS DAY Origins, Traditions, and Dining options for mom! See how Mom's in other Countries are honored and when...

Explore U.S. ARMED FORCES DAY origins, and traditions, to honor those that served, and those that serve today, to keep us free! ...

Explore the MEMORIAL DAY origins, and traditions, to honor those that gave their all to keep us free! ...

Explore the CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAY origins, and traditions, to honor those that gave their all to be free! ...

Explore the D-DAY origins, and traditions, to honor those that gave their all to keep us free! ...

Explore the U.S. ARMY BIRTHDAY origins, and traditions, to recognize and honor those that gave their all, and those that served, and those that serve today, to keep us free! ...

Explore the FLAG DAY origins, and traditions, to recognize, and honor the birthday of our flag.

Explore FATHERS DAY Origins, Traditions, and Dining options for dad! See how Dad's in other Countries are honored and when...

Explore SUMMER SOLSTICE Origins, Traditions, and Dining options for dad! See how Dad's in other Countries are honored and when...

Explore INDEPENDENCE DAY Origins and Traditions, and discover how America came to be...

Explore V-J DAY WWII Origins and History of the end of WWII...

Explore LABOR DAY Origins and Traditions, and discover how American Workers are honored...

Explore GRANDPARENTS DAY Origins and Traditions, and discover how to celebrate...

Explore CONSTITUTION DAY Origins and Traditions, and discover how to celebrate...

Explore COLUMBUS DAY Origins and Traditions, and discover how Columbus searched for America...

Explore Sweetest DAY Origins and Traditions and Celebrations...

Explore HALLOWEEN Stories, Origins, Traditions, Cultural Celebrations, Foods, and Visit Haunted Houses.... Fun and games!! ....

Explore The MARINE CORPS Birthday, Origins and Traditions, and discover how the Marine Corps was beneficial to America's freedom...

Discover VETERANS DAY Origins and Traditions, and honor their contributions to keeping America free...

Discover These Major Jewish Holiday Origins, Traditions, and Festivities...Hanukkah is just one of 7 of the most important Jewish holidays.
1. Shabbat, 2. Rosh Hashanah, 3. Yom Kippur, 4. Sukkot, 5. Shemini Atzeret, 6. Hanukkah, 7. Passover

Explore the Origins, Stories, Traditions, Foods, and More about the first THANKSGIVING in America, and a host of other related information....

Wonderful Stories, and Traditions, and More about ST NICHOLAS TRADITIONS, STORIES, FOODS, and a host of other related information....

History of PEARL HARBOR DAY TRADITIONS, STORIES, and a host of other related information....

History of THE WINTER SOLSTICE TRADITIONS, STORIES, and a host of other related information....

History of 12 Days of CHRISTMAS~The Epiphany~The Wise Men TRADITIONS, STORIES, and a host of other related information....

Wonderful Stories, and Traditions, and More about CHRISTMAS ~ SANTA CLAUS ~ THE NORTH POLE ~ THE YULE LOG, and a host of other related information....December 25th
You will also find links to the silent Night Chapel located in the town of Oberndorf bei Salzburg in the Austrian province of Salzburg.

Christmas is an awesome and magical time. If only we would all show this kindness all year.

Explore NATIONAL FRUITCAKE DAY Origins and Traditions, and discover the Democrat Party...